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Sunday, June 4, 2023

Fastest Way to Lose Weight at Home Naturally | Tips to Solve 50% of Weight Loss Problems

 namaskar you must have heard me saying this several times that start your day right to set the right tone rest of the day well this applies even to your weight loss goal this simple mantra or guideline about beginning the morning time correctly with this one effective tip will solve your weight loss problem 50 percent so let me explain this powerful mantra to you but let me be clear if you want to see visible benefits you must diligently repeat this mantra every day in the morning breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day we eat our breakfast in the morning after eight hours of sleep so it is the first meal we have after a long pass our body has absorbed nutrients from the dinner we had previous day but now they require a high energy breakfast to energize the body and carry out the morning activities breakfast not only just helps to energize our body but also keeps us feeling full and saturated all day long this prevents us from indulging over eating and winds feeling when you eat healthy in the morning your mind also gets trained to follow healthy eating habits throughout the day and you won't get easily tempted to have fried foods and chips and other things so what kind of breakfast you should eat early in the morning first eat high fiber food dietary fiber is in weight loss because it makes you feel full and it is low in calorie eating a high fibrous breakfast leaves less place in your diet for food that aren't as nutrient dense such as carbohydrate because high fiber foods are more filling than the low fiber food you will eat less but feel full for long so if you want to lose weight quickly begin your day with a bowl of rolled oats cereals from whole grains or quinoa along with healthy nuts and seeds second eat protein rich food protein is an essential nutrient that body needs for muscle growth but it also helps in weight loss protein intake raises a level of satiating hormones while lowering the level of hunger hormones protein is also useful by increasing muscle mass increasing calorie expenditure regulating glucose level and reducing the desire to eat late night at the same time eating too much protein can disrupt your weight loss program so eat in moderation some protein rich food means moong dal chilli with paneer stuffing multi grain dosa made up of jewelry badly ragi flour tofu or paneer bhurji these are all easy to make high protein rich breakfast third eat selenium rich food selenium is necessary for thyroid gland to operate properly thyroid gland regulates our metabolism it controls our growth and development therefore it is crucial to keep it healthy the higher the metabolism rate the better you will burn calories the source of selenium includes brazil nuts vegetables like broccoli spinach green peas beans and potatoes you can have a bowl of these steamed vegetable breakfast sprinkle a little pepper to enhance the taste but many people make a major mistake and that is they skip breakfast entirely either they are in a hurry or not hungry in the morning so they decide to have lunch directly but skipping breakfast can lead to several health problems such as an increased risk of heart problems and diabetes again negative impact on mood and energy level it would bring even headache and migraines it would decrease metabolism and weight gain so skipping breakfast should skip from your morning routine instead have wholesome breakfast that would satiate your hunger and make you feel energized so follow these eating routines to start your day on a healthy note as well as prevent overeating all of which will aid your weight loss goal as well as help you to maintain your ideal weight namaskar

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